My hubs on Good Things Utah Aug. 24, 2010

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nourishment for the soul

I finished reading Finding the Angel Within. I really love how Pamela Hansen shared so many personal challenges and is using her life experiences to help other people. Through out the book she quotes many of the leaders of the Church, and some of her dear friends stories and experiences. It just made me want to try harder and persevere. It really helped me take better inventory of my self, and try to improve upon some of those less than appealing human tendencies. We are never alone in our trials, even when it sometimes feels that way. Some of my fav quotes from the book:
Inner strength comes when we are willing to persevere. We can pray for increased strength that will come as we demonstrate our willingness to work hard to improve our physical and spiritual health. And it WILL come. Of that we can be sure!
from page 109:
There is no greater example of the way in which we should perceive ourselves and our mission here on earth than that of the Savior. And, doing the Lord's will brings greater happiness than can ever be found in the fleeting pleasures of the world.
Well...I can tell you my feeling towards the laundry is fleeting at this moment. But its calling..Ya'all have a blessed day!

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