My hubs on Good Things Utah Aug. 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Before you VOTE

Interesting link to check out before you vote.


Michele said...

Thank you for this link. I have been having discussions with my sister who is a teacher...trying to get her to see that there is a bigger picture to the presidential race that just pay increases for teachers. She tends to want to vote for the guy who doesn't think that increases for teachers should be merit based. She tends to forget that there are things that are MUCH more important out there right now. She isn't going to be a teacher forever but when it comes to gay "rights", abortion and other things which are moral issues, they are going to last much longer and will be much more difficult to undo if the wrong person is given the power to implement evil in this country.

Anonymous said...

An easy way to learn the issues and where the candidates stand. Good job!

Michele said...

Not too bad over here...what is your email again?

stephanie said...

I wish more people would look at that who are undecided to just see it spelled out.