My hubs on Good Things Utah Aug. 24, 2010

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here are some of the spooky highlights...
These pic's are all out of order! oops.
This is the first time ever trick or treating door to door for the boys, and this first pic is the first house. When our neighbor opened the door she was so funny the boys just froze. She jokingly said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??" and said it over and over...LOL they both started to look back at us. Ya had to be there to think it was funny...

trick or treat!!
groovy grandparents in there fun costumes! Oh-and SUPERMAN "CHARGE" as the Briggy says it.

our little spooky family...I was some kind of confused witch/vampire person...LOL we had fun this year...

I thought this was Cindrella...turns out she is a regular princess! so cute

only time i had my vamp teeth in....i pretended to be bella for a spell...hee


My name starts with "B" see

"H" was for him..see

this after we got back...checkin' out the LOOT and spilling on my carpet! rrr

lots of fun catching a chill with rain sprinkles and neighbors door to door

Tinker Bell was kind enough to share a seat in her wagon with a tired super hero...Its hard work saving the universe.

told ya they were spooky

getting ready to make our spooky cookies (told ya they were out of order hee)


Thomas Family said...

Looks like tons of fun! Halloween ROCKS!

~Pam said...

Sexy costume you got there!!

Connie said...

If Becky won't make her own blog, you'll just have to get her on yours!! Kayla came home talking about how nice you were to them when they came. Thanks!!

Michele said...

Man you guys went all out. That is so great! Looks like you had a great time.

stephanie said...

Sorry we missed you that night!

~Pam said...

How come you went private on your blog?

Sarah said...

Tinkerbell wants to ask Batman what he's doing next Friday night? Tell him she'll be in the wagon to pick him up.

You look great, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Did you hear that story about blogs on KSL? It freaked me out! So now Im going private. I got an invite from you, are you going private?